12.5cm Net Pot
The 12.5cm Net Pot is a flexible pot that works well for DIY hydroponic setups and can hold a variety of growing media, making it great for plants with big and quickly expanding root systems.
These net pots are made to endure and can be recycled often due to their high-quality materials, making them an environmentally beneficial option for any gardener. The slots on the pot's sides also provide great airflow to the root zone, facilitating maximum nutrient absorption and plant development.
These net pots, which measure 13.5cm x 13.5cm x 10.5cm, are ideal for propagating cuttings and seedlings.
- Plant a seed in a peat pellet or a starter plug made of rockwool. You can also use a seedling that has already been propagated that you purchased from a nursery, but be sure to gently wash the medium off the roots before planting it in your Net Pot.
- Place the seedling in the center of the Net Pot once the roots have begun to push through the propagation medium's bottom, and then surround the roots with Expanded Clay Pebbles or another grow media of your choosing. You might discover that the propagated seedling will fit snugly into the pot if you are using a smaller-sized Net Pot and you won't need to secure it with any medium.
- The propagated seedling is now prepared to be moved into your hydroponic system in its Net Pot. While employing the Nutrient Film Method, you might need to top-feed for about a week to get the roots pointing in the direction of the water supply.