RAM Wall Humidifier & Water Filter Kit
This kit includes:
RAM Wall Humidifier
Inline DI Resin Water Filter
RAM Wall Humidifier
To provide the greatest growing conditions, a humidifier is essential. A humidifier allows you to regulate the moisture level in your greenhouse. letting you get the ideal humidity level for your plants. Because it is installed on the wall, the RAM Wall Humidifier frees up valuable floor space in your indoor garden without compromising humidity levels. You may easily adjust the humidity level anywhere from 20% to 100% using the dial on the humid-stat control device. The RAM Wall Humidifier may be used without the Water Filter Kit or with it. To extend the humidifier's life, it is advised that users in locations with hard water also use a water filter.
Inline DI Resin Water Filter
Designed to be used with the RAM Wall Humidifier. To extend the humidifier's life, it is advised that users in locations with hard water also use a water filter.